Are electric toothbrushes good for bad breath?


It is the responsibility of every person to strive for fresh breath. If the smell comes out of your mouth, then no one around you will want to come. If the smell comes out while breathing or talking, there can be many obstacles in the relationship fearing the smell you will be afraid to go to people and be afraid to talk wherever you are.

So, that leads many people to wonder what is bad breath and do electric toothbrushes good for bad breath?

The medical term used for bad breath is Halitosis. Most of the time use of a normal tooth brushing and change in lifestyle is enough to get away from this unexpected disease. An electric toothbrush is also effective when it comes to preventing bad breath, because it offers a superior cleaning vs the traditional toothbrush.

What Causes Bad Breath?

If you’re experiencing halitosis or bad breath the first thing you need to do is, understand what is causing the bad breath. leftover food particles Between your teeth and in your stomach bacteria is constantly growing and creating odor. Eating strong smelling foods like onions and garlic also contributes to lingering bad odors and persistent bad breath.

Top reasons why you may be experiencing bad breath:


Bad breath can also be caused by a poor diet. Foods high in sugar, fats and cholesterol can all lead to the formation of bacteria in your body and this will result in bad smelling breath. As a result, a simple change in diet is all it will take to cure your halitosis. By cutting out sugars, fat, and cholesterol from your daily meals and replacing them with healthier choices, you will begin to notice a dramatic improvement in your breath.


Antibiotics and medications can cause bad breath too. Although this can be a temporary fix to your problem, it is something that you must consider trying. Unfortunately, most times this problem is not permanent. Once your bad breath clears up, the bad odor will go away as well and your bad breath will be gone.

Gum Disease:

Sometimes bad breath is due to gum disease and it can be very difficult to treat. When this happens, it is best to consult with a dentist and see if they can help you. Many dentists will work with you to create a plan to get your gums healthy and the bacteria levels in your mouth back to normal. They may also recommend brushing twice or thrice a day to remove any buildup of plaque or leftover bacteria.

Regardless of what causes bad breath, you should be able to find something to cure it for good. Your goal should be to regain your confidence so you can be around others without the embarrassment and you will finally be able to smile again.

Bacteria and improper busing are the lead causes for bad breath. However, owning an electric toothbrush really can help you with bad breath. We have collected some data to provide you with all the facts about which is best for fighting bad breath.

What is the best electric toothbrush for Bad Breath?

What is the best electric toothbrush for Bad Breath?

The Phillips Sonicare 4100 is highly recommended for the prevention of halitosis. Although an electric toothbrush is not an alternative to visiting your local dental hygienists. It does provide a more effective cleaning of your mouth, which helps to prevent bad breath.

These are the top choices for electric toothbrushes for bad breath:

  1. Colgate Smart Electric Toothbrush
  2. Oral-B iO Series 9 Electric Toothbrush
  3. AquaSonic Black Series Ultra Whitening Toothbrush
  4. Philips Sonicare HX6817

Click here for the full review of the Phillips Sonicare 4100

Why use an electric toothbrush for bad breath prevention?

Dentist often time recommend using an electric toothbrush to clean your teeth and gums, because it’s much more effective than a traditional toothbrush.

Here are the five reasons why you should use an electric brush when dealing with bad breath:

  • It can cover more areas. Because it is longer
  • Technology is better. It can rotate and oscillate
  • An electric brush can move more in the same amount of time
  • The brush head is more effective. It is small and cleans more
  • Special modes are available. You can set massage mode or, gum care mode
Why use an electric toothbrush for bad breath prevention

Ways to Keep Your Breath Smelling Fresh

If you are experiencing bad breath, your best bet for treatment is to stop eating certain types of foods and being more mindful of your brushing habits. However, if the issue continues to persist, it’s highly recommended to speak with a dental professional.

Things to consider if you a trying to prevent bad breath:

Brush teeth regularly twice.

You need to brush your teeth every night before going to bed and every morning after breakfast. When we eat food, some part of the food sticks to the teeth and these foods are eaten by the bacteria that are with the teeth and create bad breath. If you don’t brush after breakfast in the morning, food will create bad smell in your mouth throughout the day. Regular brushing and flossing of teeth can get rid of these bacteria. But one thing to keep in mind while brushing is to clean your tongue on the opposite side of the brush. Then your breath smiling will always be fragrant.


A useful tip for sore throat and breathing with gargle or salt water. If regular gargling with salt water kills the bacteria inside the mouth, then your breath stays fresh.

Skip eating certain foods.

Some of the foods that are eaten are odors. For example, raw onion, eating this raw onion causes a lot of odor in the mouth. And the smell comes out when we talk. Avoid alcohol. All types of alcohol are harmful to the respiratory system and the body. Eating foods such as dairy foods, eggs, fish, etc. also causes bad breath. You must brush your teeth after eating these foods.

Use of Heliometer.

A heliometer is a chemical device used to check tooth odor. With the help of this device you can easily check bad breath. And you will also find out what causes your mouth to smell. This will allow you to make the right decision to get your breath back.

Drink more and more pure water.

Drinking more and more pure water is very beneficial for the body. Drinking water helps digest food very quickly and does not cause gastric problems. Drinking too much water will get rid of the food stuck in your teeth and you will feel the scent. Also drink purer water to keep breath smiling fresh. See a dentist at least twice a year. If you go to the doctor, the doctor will wash your teeth and clean them if there is yellow covering on the teeth. As a result, you will be breath smiling fresh. If there is any problem at the base of the teeth or gums, it will be examined and you will be given medicine. Also eat more fruits, chew mint leaves or drink green tea. As a result, you will be breath smiling fresh.


Fortunately there are many different treatment options available for halitosis. You may want to try a home remedy or even use an over-the-counter medication.

The important thing to remember is that whatever you decide on to cure your bad breath, you must make it a priority to brush and floss your teeth at least twice a day and using the best electric toothbrush for bad breath will make it easier. If you cannot brush properly or do not have time to brush for long periods of time, you can consider getting a good oral rinse and brushing device that will help you get the job done quickly and easily.

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