Yes, an electric toothbrush can clean the tongue better than ordinary toothbrush. However, It is very important to clean the tongue like cleaning teeth. If a person neglects cleaning their tongue on a regular basis, bad breath and tooth decay may become an issue. Many times it can lead to complex diseases like tongue cancer. So it is important to clean the dirt of the tongue regularly every 2 to 3 days. If you do it every day, the tongue may go away again. So you must clean your tongue 3 days or 4 days a week.
Is an electric toothbrush better for the tongue?
Yes, an electric toothbrush is more effective than a traditional toothbrush when it comes to cleaning your tongue. However, a tongue scrubber is better than both. The reason for this is basically the scrubber can easily reach the rear of your tongue, and present it, scratching tenderly however solidly along the tongue as you go. In spite of the fact that tongue scrubbers are innocuous, you can presumably forestall halitosis similarly too by following a steady oral consideration routine of twice-day by day tooth brushing and every day flossing.
Can an electric toothbrush remove yeast off your tongue?
An electric toothbrush can assist with the removal of yeast from your tongue, buta visit to your local dentist may be more effective, so they can prescribe an anti-fungal toothpaste/ medication which should help to kill the yeast. Brushing the tongue regularly will help to prevent further growth.
How to Clean Tongue with Electric Toothbrush
Follow the directions if you are wanting to clean your tongue with an electric tooth brush:
- Select a tongue scratching instrument. This might be plastic or metal. It might be bowed down the middle creation a V shape or have a handle with an adjusted edge at the top. Shop online for tongue scrubbers.
- Stick out your tongue as far as could be expected under the circumstances.
Spot your tongue scrubber rearward of your tongue. - Run the tongue scrubber under warm water to clear any flotsam and jetsam and microorganisms from the gadget. Let out any abundance salivation that may have developed stronger scrubber on your tongue and push it toward the front of your tongue while applying pressuring the tongue
- Change your tongue scrubber position and the weight you apply to it to forestall a gag reflex.
- Clean the tongue scrubber and store it for the following use. You can scratch your tongue on more than one occasion per day. On the off chance that you gag during the cycle, you might need to scratch your tongue prior to having breakfast to maintain a strategic distance from heaving.