Can an Electric Toothbrush Help With Sensitive Teeth?

Can an Electric Toothbrush Help With Sensitive Teeth?

Yes, electrical toothbrushes don’t need to push down on your gums, most electric models are very gentle. People who are are more sensitive to brushing and may find it hard to tolerate an electric appliance that doesn’t make contact with their gums. You can always experiment with different brands to find the model that works best for you.

Sensitive teeth affect millions of Americans each year and while most people tend to brush their teeth as regularly as they do their other teeth, a dentist may recommend extra sensitive teeth care steps to help you avoid the pain and discomfort that come with tooth sensitivity.

What Causes Teeth Sensitivity?

Your teeth sensitivity can be caused by more common causes, such as decay or gum disease, you might not have much to worry about. However, there are several other more serious conditions that can cause teeth sensitivity. Some of these include: broken fillings, gingivitis, periodontal disease, root canals, bone loss, periodontal ligament injury, and bicuspid deficiencies.

These conditions usually require a thorough examination and treatment by a periodontist. Therefore, seeing your dentist is important if you suffer from any of the more common causes of teeth sensitivity.

What Causes Sensitive Teeth?

Teeth sensitivity means your teeth become sensitive to hot or cold temperatures. Ice creams, cold drinks, or hot soups can cause pain in your teeth. Even, cold wind can also create shooting pain around your teeth.

But, what are the primary reasons behind sensitive teeth?

1. Hard and Heavy Brushing

Heavy brushing can wear away the enamel on your teeth. So, you should always brush gently. Enamel can’t be replaced. So, you should be careful when brushing.

2. Using Teeth Whitening Chemicals

Teeth whitening chemicals are not good for your teeth. These chemicals can cause temporary teeth sensitivity. But, if you start using them frequently, your teeth may become prone to sensitivity.

3.Acid Reflux

The acid in your stomach can wear away the enamel from your teeth. So, you should avoid sweet foods, sour foods, and soda. Though some people suffer from acid refluxes. In that case, they should take care of their teeth properly.

4.Teeth Grinding

Teeth grinding may not be a common habit. But some people grind their teeth when they are asleep. Therefore you should protect your teeth with a mouth guard.

5. Botched dental procedure

Dental surgeries or gum diseases may also create teeth sensitivity. However, you should protect your teeth enamel to avoid sensitive teeth. You can use a soft bristle toothbrush and you should brush your teeth gently. Thus, you can keep your teeth healthy.

Why are my teeth sensitive to my toothbrush?

As you prioritize our oral health, we have to make sure that we use right tool or device for our teeth. Electrical Toothbrushes are used to remove food particles left behind on your teeth. If you felt pain when you brush your teeth, it was caused by tooth sensitivity. Sensitive teeth are caused by worn out enamel and exposed tooth roots. This pain becomes more profound whenever you brush your teeth and even when you drink hot or cold drinks.

How do you prevent teeth sensitivity?

To prevent tooth sensitivity, make sure you visit your dentist twice a month and brush your teeth regularly. You should also use water flossers to help you clean overlooked areas in your teeth. Additionally, brushing your teeth with an enamel repair toothpaste is one way of maintaining and taking care of your oral health.

What is the best electric toothbrush for sensitive teeth?

Burst Electric Toothbrush is recommended by numbers of dentist when it comes to helping with teeth sensitivity. It is because of its quality, easy to use, and affordability. This type of toothbrush is powered by electricity and has two-minute timer to prevent over-brushing.

Click here to check out our full review on the Burst Electric Toothbrush

Final Thought:

One of the best ways to deal with teeth sensitivity problems is to see your dentist regularly to ensure that the toothpaste you are using on a daily basis isn’t causing an increased sensitivity in your teeth or gum area. Also, make sure you’re using the best electric toothbrush for sensitive teeth. If you find that your dentist recommends extra sensitive teeth steps, such as: Sensitive Bite Reimbursement, you should take note of the reason behind this recommendation and schedule an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible. With proactive care, you can help to prevent tooth sensitivity issues before they become painful and costly dental issues

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